SwissTopSport takes over the platform, the platform for volunteering in Swiss sport, has been run by SwissTopSport since 1 May 2015. The association of the 22 largest sporting events in Switzerland can continue to count on the support of "natural gas" to manage the platform. The Swiss Gas Industry Association (VSG) has been the main partner of since its launch.

SwissTopSport has taken over the administration of from Swiss Olympic. The platform, which was founded in 2010, is used for the targeted, simple search for volunteers at sporting events and the efficient coordination of their volunteer assignments. Under the umbrella of SwissTopSport, 22 of the biggest sporting events that take place in Switzerland every year and are among the best in the world are united. Rudolf Kunz, President of SwissTopSport and Tournament Director of the "Swatch Beach Volleyball Major Series - Gstaad Major", was one of the first to use He uses the platform to recruit and manage the 500 or so volunteers needed for the beach volleyball tournament in Gstaad. "The platform is an innovative idea. It offers organisers of sporting events the opportunity to get in touch with people who want to volunteer for the benefit of Swiss sport. In addition, volunteer assignments can be coordinated efficiently and professionally thanks to the planning software," says Kunz. He is sure that will become an indispensable tool for sports organisers in the future, especially for the members of SwissTopSport.   

Volunteers - the foundation of Swiss sport Swiss Olympic attaches great importance to the platform in Swiss sport and is convinced that SwissTopSport is the ideal operator for the future development of the platform. " has developed very strongly in recent years," says Roger Schnegg, Director of Swiss Olympic. Since its launch in 2010, the number of registered events has more than quadrupled, and today more than 60 sporting events use the platform. "Volunteers are the foundation of Swiss sport. Thanks to, the work of volunteers can not only be better coordinated, but also better rewarded," says Schnegg. has a broad network of experienced volunteers and records more than 7,000 new registrations every year. Since its launch in January 2010, the volunteers registered with have been in action for a total of more than 700,000 hours. 

Erdgas remains a partner of
Erdgas, the Association of the Swiss Gas Industry (VSG), is convinced of the added value of the project for Swiss sport: "Without volunteers, no sporting event could be held. offers sports organisers concrete support and at the same time makes volunteering more attractive," Markus Solinger, Head of Marketing at VSG, is pleased to say. The Swiss gas industry is aware of its social and political responsibility. It is proud to be the first institution to have developed voluntary commitment in sports sponsoring at national level together with Swiss Olympic. Erdgas sees great potential in the adoption of the programme by the SwissTopSport association. "That is why we have decided to extend the partnership with for another two years until the end of 2017."

Created on 17. June 2015


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