Swiss Volunteers provides its platform free of charge for the coordination of volunteers.

The rapid spread of the coronavirus in Switzerland is placing great demands on the population and its organisations. Swiss Volunteers and its long-standing partner gazenergie are also aware of the current situation and are therefore making their volunteer platform available free of charge to organisations that are dependent on volunteers due to the current situation.

Reapplying existing structures

The non-profit organisation Swiss Volunteers coordinates around 100 events in the fields of sport and culture every year and has a pool of around 50,000 registered volunteers throughout Switzerland. Due to the current exceptional situation caused by the coronavirus, Swiss Volunteers will make its new platform launched in January available to support Swiss society. From now on, organisations from the health and social sectors can use the Swiss Volunteers platform free of charge to recruit and administer volunteers from the population. The use of the platform is intended to relieve the administrative burden on the organisations and to offer them the possibility of coordinating assignments directly via the volunteer platform. In addition, the platform can activate a potential of up to 50,000 volunteers throughout Switzerland.

Core functions of the platform

  • All relevant volunteer data is in one place.
  • An intuitive registration form speeds up the recruitment process.
  • The organisation can individually specify which information is required from the volunteers and specifically request possible deployment times and activities.
  • The specific query of the volunteer's skills enables a semi-automatic or automatic matching with the required assignments.
  • The web-based platform allows the organisation to create the required assignments directly on the platform, assign them to the volunteers and communicate with them.
  • The allocated assignments are directly visible to volunteers on any device.

Interested organisations can contact Swiss Volunteers via and receive telephone support. In this way, the organisation concerned can start the recruitment process within a short time and draw attention to personnel needs via the Swiss Volunteers channels as well as via its own channels.

Created on 17. March 2020


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